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     My connection to nature stems from a woodland path that is little more than a deer trail, only identifiable by those who have walked it time and time again.  Their footfalls lost in years of leaves and moss and directed only by a handful of rotting logs. It is only natural that my work would grow from this.

     As a printmaker I work in numerous processes.  My content considers nature, but my process informs the work more than the subject.  In my practice, etching and lithography lend themselves to more abstract imagery, working on a more intimate scale with muted neutrals.  These abstracted landscapes explore the emotional relationship we have with our atmosphere. Mono-printing, screen printing, and relief lend themselves to more of my figurative works, working with bold color on a more impactful scale.  This style in my work produces animals who are working to communicate to humans through their expression, rather than an unshared language. 

      Walking down the forest path has become ritual, habit, and second nature to me. I can do it in the dark. I can do it in my sleep.  Every step has its place, and as I walk along, I must duck for low hanging branches or lift my feet so as not to disturb a new mushroom.  As in printmaking, everything has its order, its place, and following a familiar process while leaving room to explore new ideas allows for the best experiences.  

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