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Tate Series 

As a member of an outdoorsy family, I learned as a child that nature was an extension of my home.  I grew up exploring the forest and all it had to offer.  The Tate Series is a remembrance of that time, when the days were long, my time spent looking intently at various plants and creatures along the forest floor, learning that imperfections are the way of life. A rock that pierces the surface of a river makes it more dynamic, more interesting.  A log in decay offers far more to explore than a piece of plywood.  In the Tate Series, I go back to the deer trail I’ve walked over the course of my life and document some of the magnetic moments I’ve experienced with the wildlife there.    


Along the Path: Sarracenia, Photopolymer, 1/5 V.E., 22" x 15", 2021


The Light Comes Through, Photopolymer & Letterpress, 1/5 V.E., 22" x 15", 2021


Along the Path: Tagetes, Photogravure, 1/5, 20" x 20", 2021

Tree I, II & III, 40" x 8", 2023
$1,000 each

Outcast: Tagates, Sarracenia, & Verbena, 24" x 70.5", 2023

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