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Floral Series 

In December 2023 I spent a week at Art Print Residence in Barcelona, Spain learning the art of Mokulito, a Japanese form of lithography using wood instead of a traditional stone or plate.   I spent the entire week learning this process and working alongside other international artists within the printshop.  Out of this Residence came my Floral Series, an explorative dive into process and materials within Mokulito.   

Floral Landscape, Mokulito, 1/1, 23.5" x 7', 2023

Flowers I, Mokulito, 1/3 V.E., 27.5" x 20", 2022

Flowers II, Monoprint, 1/1, 24" x 16", 2022

Flowers III, Mokulito, 1/3, 24" x 16", 2022

Flowers II, Mokulito with Chine Collé, 1/1, 24" x 16", 2022

Flowers IV, Mokulito, 1/3, 20" x 27.5", 2022

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