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Bird Series 

Birds have always had a background presence in my life.  When I was a child, my grandfather would crouch down and whisper, “Did you hear that?” followed with his call to the birds – spshhh spshhh spshhh – then silence.  Wait.  Then he’d look at me with a grin when the bird responded. Listening to and looking for birds was a common pastime for us, sitting on the front porch of our mountain cabin.  I draw birds as I saw them when sitting on the porch of my mountain home, as extended family, separated by language, so instead have learned to communicate through expression.  


Sneaking, Monoprint, 1/1, 30" x 40", 2022
Searching, Monoprint, 1/1, 30" x 40", 2022
Caught, Monoprint, 1/1, 30" x 40", 2022


Sneaking, Screen with Monoprint, 1/10, 22" x 17", 2021

Fleeing, Screen with Monoprint, 1/10, 22" x 17", 2021

Searching, Screen with Monoprint, 1/10, 22" x 17", 2021 

Caught, Screen with Monoprint, 1/10, 22" x 17", 2021

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